One Community, One Vision, One Voice.
AIWP-USA is a trade association for the INDIAN WEDDING INDUSTRY, created to provide leadership that is consistent with the principles and values of the mainstream wedding industry.
The Association’s goal is to promote the economic viability of the Indian Wedding Industry and to support the members in various capacities in following ways:
Promote awareness and understanding of the Indian wedding industry for the benefit of the public and our members.
Educate and provide support services to the members of the Association to enhance the quality of doing business.
Provide a strong, unified voice on legislative, regulatory, and policy issues that affect Indian wedding industry.
Protect and enhance the integrity of the Indian wedding industry and our members.
Bring the unified standards in serving the customers.
Bring broad networking opportunity to members.
The Association shall be comprised of Members, Board of Trustees, Officers, and other divisions/committees/councils as described in by-laws.
The Board of Trustee’s in its sole discretion may amend or expand the Association’s membership eligibility, type of memberships and/or process. Individuals that share a similar interest in meeting the aims and objectives of the Association may be eligible to apply for membership if they meet the following criteria:
(a) An individual who is providing services either directly or as a business owner to the South Asian / Indian wedding industry;
(b) In business for minimum 3 years since filing with state and operating
(c) At least seventy-five percent (75%) of the individual’s business and main income must be driven by serving Indian clientele/weddings.
(d) Must have qualified insurance to satisfy the Association’s requirements.
(a) All members are admitted to the Association by the Approval of Operating Committee / Board Members.
(b) Individuals shall submit an application for membership to the Secretary of the Operating Committee in the form established by the Board of Trustees from time to time for approval.
(c) Individuals that are approved gain acceptance to membership of the Association (“Member(s)”).
(d) Members shall subscribe to the aims and objectives of the Association in the form established by the Board of Trustees from time to time and shall comply with the Articles of Incorporation, Bylaws and other policies, rules and regulations of the Association.
(e) Members in good standing with the Association are entitled to participate in activities and privileges of the Association.
General Member: – Trade members– Open to all individuals who meets the qualification listed above – Fees $600 - Discounted for Our First Launch year.
Corporate Member: Businesses who caters to South Asian / Indian Weddings like Hotels, Banquet Halls, Insurance Companies, Banks, etc - $1500 every year.
Board Members: By Invitation only - $2000 every year.
Honorary Members: shall be individuals selected by the Board of Directors at a regular meeting of the Board in recognition of extraordinary contribution to the indian wedding industry.
as a Trade or Associate member shall be submitted by written application to the principal office of AIWP. Admission to membership may be decided by a committee designated by the Board. In case of doubtful eligibility, the application shall be referred to the Executive Committee for action.
Kindly find the Membership Application here.
Admission to AIWP's membership shall be contingent upon payment of the appropriate dues set by the Board of Directors. Application for trade membership shall include agreement by the applicant with the association's Code of Ethics, and to act accordingly.

By joining AIWP, member shall get the following benefits.
Please pay your membership fees via Zelle to Association of Indian Wedding Professionals.
Kindly use email aiwpusa@gmail.com
You can mail Check in favor of Association of Indian Wedding Professionals and
mail it to AIWP - 950 Hillside Ave, Plainfield NJ 07060
Please call or text to (732) 208 0704 with any questions.
Thank you.
Emergency Support Group Outreach
Whether you are stuck on a road during the event or have a medical emergency, it is good feeling to know that there might be one of our own industry professional who is willing to extend help to you. By joining the association, you are making circle of friends around you.
Leading Edge Education from Various Leaders of the Industry
We all learn from somewhere, but joining AIWP will bring you an opportunity to learn from the leaders of the various industry which will certainly help you to do better in your business.
Get Featured On Social Media Platforms
AIWP members will be promoted on AIWP's very own social media platforms featuring your products and services bringing you additional marketing opportunities for your business.
When you join AIWP; you will be provided an AIWP Member logo which you can post it on your website and other platforms which will bring extra credits to your business. Clients will have extra trust in you in recognizing that you are a valuable member of our trade association.
BY US & FOR US. We will be able to bring lot more to ourselves and for others as we all grow more together...for better.
Broad Networking Opportunity
Whether you are an expert in your field or looking for some extra knowledge, AIWP is a platform to network with other colleagues.
Exclusive Access to Industry Related Webinars
Indian Wedding Industry has so much to offer and we all need sort of guidance. AIWP will get you access to various seminars / webinars to get you more knowledge in varieties of fields.
Exclusive Members Only Directory
Every member of AIWP will be listed on Membership Directory along with your complete profile and links to your website, contact, social media platforms and with description of your services giving you additional marketing options.
Exclusive Members Only Bridal Shows
AIWP will bring a platform to it's members an Exclusive Extravagant Bridal Show where you will be able to showcase your amazing work in front of future couples. The cost of the show will be at nominal as the expenses will be shared by all members on non-profit base. The Indian Wedding industry in USA is in serious need of professional bridal showcase.
Unified standard contract terms
As we all agree that some of the contract terms in every category should be standardize that benefits everyone. We will work to make that happen and members will access to those terms according to their business category.
Complimentary Two Semi-Annual Meetups
AIWP will host two semi-annual events for the members to mingle with other members. This will give us a chance out of our busy wedding schedules to relax and enjoy along with each other. You will be able to bring one guest along with you. This will help building a stronger family values within our association.
Exclusive Member Discounts
As we grow together and our membership reach to a certain nos, we will be able to bring discounted rates from various industries like Insurance, Legal fees, Transportation, Bulk Product purchases, software and much more.
AIWP will form an association with other charity trust or will form our own charity trust where we will be able to share fraction of our fortune with those who are in need. We all are fortunate to what we have and by helping others, will certainly bring a satisfaction to us.